Have a new start! Before everything was getting start in a new semester, we had already began our work. This is the first project we did in our study. Our task is design the lighting for a fresh-man party. Without any lighting experience, I tried to learn everything during the group work. We began with the Brainstorm. Plenty of ideas were born and we tried to realize them. Our main concept is: a colorful college life. Everyone in the begining of college would be full of expectations on thenew life. We wanted to create a pavonine space to attract people’s eyes. The party place is the hall of the Architecture and Design college. There are only general lighting and we would not use them. After few days of lighting experiments, a party was showing prototype.
Outdoor:We used colorful trees to show: there’sa party now. Due to the glass facade of the building, people can easily casta glance at the party lighting inside. We spread christmas light in the lawn aroundthe building to create a warm atmosphere.
Indoor:Entrance is always a very important part.We used magenta, green, blue and yellow light cross illuminate the white wall in theentrance. People can see their colorful shadow and getting excited before theygo into the party. Architecture students built some bars. And our main task was making lighting for each interesting bar. Up light to transparent balloon and painted nice shadow on the ceiling; green light in a mystery cupboard; yellow light in the pirate chest. We also use beamer to make dynamicimages(such as kaleidoscope) on thepillar. Many small part made up a colorful party.
Outdoor:We used colorful trees to show: there’sa party now. Due to the glass facade of the building, people can easily casta glance at the party lighting inside. We spread christmas light in the lawn aroundthe building to create a warm atmosphere.
Indoor:Entrance is always a very important part.We used magenta, green, blue and yellow light cross illuminate the white wall in theentrance. People can see their colorful shadow and getting excited before theygo into the party. Architecture students built some bars. And our main task was making lighting for each interesting bar. Up light to transparent balloon and painted nice shadow on the ceiling; green light in a mystery cupboard; yellow light in the pirate chest. We also use beamer to make dynamicimages(such as kaleidoscope) on thepillar. Many small part made up a colorful party.